Luther on Prayer

Some of those who came to the HTB / SPTC 'School of Prayer' today (or anyone else who wants to learn how to pray, for that matter), might want to read the work of Luther on Prayer that I spoke about. It's called 'A Simple Way to Pray', was written in 1535 and contains some simple yet brilliant insights into prayer and how Luther himself prayed. You can find it here - A Simple Way to Pray.

If you want to be part of HTB's growing prayer movement, you might try looking at the Prayerforce site.


  1. Graham

    You are still approaching 'Prayer' from the abstract [rational][and discursive] cognitive perspective of 'Sapiental Theology' and not from the cognitive pneumatological [Heart] perspective of an engaged 'Spiritual Cognition' - which is why you experience 'frustations' with Prayer.



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