Why I am voting to remain
The past few months have been a bruising one for
our country. The debate over our continued membership of the EU has divided opinions
significantly, just as it did in Scotland over the independence debate. The
tone of the debate has been unpleasant, and will leave a damaged government, a fractious nation, and contribute to a dangerous trend of a more polarized
world. While the USA flirts with a version of politics that threatens global stability,
the last thing we need here is an angry Britain, with hurts that may take years
to heal.
The main lines of the debate have been gone over
many times. Each side has its own stronger points – the economic arguments seem
to lean towards the Remain campaign, with most financial analysts and
commentators arguing for the merits of staying in. Immigration however remains
a significant concern for many people, especially perhaps those whose wages
might be undercut by immigrants from other European countries who are willing
to work for a lower wage. I fully respect the views and integrity of many good
friends who will be voting to leave, but I will be voting to remain, for three
main reasons:
1. If we pull out, a great deal of government
time and energy over the next few years will have to be out into re-negotiating
trade deals with European countries and beyond, and establishing new policies
in a wide range of areas. This is at a time when we are facing some massive
global issues which need our full attention - the migrant crisis which will not
disappear quickly, religious terrorism and the threat of IS, not just in the
Middle East but with the potential of attacks happening nearer to home, and the
ever-present problem of climate change, perhaps the biggest threat to our world
over the coming years. While the rest of the world will be trying to tackle
these major issues, we will be wrapped up in the lengthy task of re-organising
our relationships with the rest of the world, with little energy left to look
2. The EU is far from perfect. As I argued in an
article in the Times on Saturday, it has lost its original expansive Christian vision,
has become excessively bureaucratic, focuses too much on the single market and
needs reform. However, it has been extraordinarily successful in one major area
- it has helped prevent a European war for the past 60 years where the previous
40 years had seen two devastating conflicts that had left millions dead. Our
neighbours on the continent are nervous that if we leave, it could lead to the
unravelling of the whole EU project, and who knows where that might end up?
Countries who trade and talk regularly and whose economies are interdependent
are much less likely to go to war. That reason alone is worth voting Remain.
3. Much of the Leave case has been based around
the right of Britain to govern itself. It is worth remembering that the nation
state itself is a relatively recent creation, and from a Christian point of
view, easily becomes an idol. We are called to love our neighbour, not our
nation. That means our individual neighbours who live near us but also our
national neighbours. The big issues that face us globally – terrorism, climate
change, global poverty - are ones that cross borders and boundaries. They can
no longer be confined to the nation state, nor dealt with on that basis. A
Christian’s first loyalty is not to his or her nation, but to the Kingdom of
God, which transcends borders, and to a holy church that is truly
international. The Christian vision is that we live best when we are
interdependent not independent. Leaving the EU feels like a withdrawal from
partnership and interdependence, reneging on an earlier solemn commitment to contribute
to and make a difference within Europe. It feels like a rejection of our
neighbour, not a love for our neighbour. It says we are better on our own,
without you. And that does not seem the way of love.
In his lectures on Unbelief and Revolution (Ongeloof en Revolutie) Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer traced the modern secular European revolution that overthrew or emasculated the European Christian monarchies back to the French Revolution and the Jacobin clubs. He argued the incompatibility of Christian values and civilization with the spirit of this Revolution. The European Union, being grounded on the values of these European revolutions is clearly incompatible with our constitution and values. The Christian Hope includes "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ" (Rev. 11:15). Even the most trivial things will be Hallowed unto God's purposes (Zech 14:20). However it is becoming increasingly clear that these revolutionary ideas want the exact opposite: to monopolise the public arena and oust all expressions of our Christian faith, relegating it to an ever decreasing private sphere. Hence why then are the Bishops of the Church of England backing Remain rather than trusting in God's providence and blessings to prove Psalm 33:12 (Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance). Why especially why when they claim to subscribe and uphold Article 37 of the Thirty-nine Articles ([That the Queen's] Realm .. and other of [her] Dominions .. is not, nor ought to be, subject to any foreign Jurisdiction). That is and ought ever to be their Confession.